You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world.  You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Elections? That's a good one!

Elections? That's a good one!


It's not real.  It's a charade.  The game is rigged at every level.  The People don't really select the presidential candidates to begin with.  If popular consensus controlled the candidate selection, Ron Paul would have obviously pushed aside Romney.  Romney was an unknown compared to Paul.  Votes are found to be manipulated in every election, but it's always hushed up.  Whether it be programmed voting machines, faked results, false counts, stuffed ballots, or non-existent voters, the fix is in.  The Electoral College is the fail-safe, to ensure the People don't have a voice.  It's as bought and paid for as Congress, only it's hidden better.  The election results are announced before the vote is even counted, much less publicly verified (and there is no meaningful verification).  Are we so brainwashed that we can't see the obvious?


How else can you explain a Manchurian candidate with a sealed past, a fabricated birth certificate, and fake Social Security numbers, who is a proven liar that broke every major campaign promise he made four years ago, who was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for nothing, and is the captain of a sinking Titanic that he himself helped scuttle -- how could such a crook be our President AGAIN?

The answer is as clear as the nose on your face.  Can you see your nose?  How do you know it exists?  You have to feel it, or look in a mirror.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

Election Day!

It's that hallowed day when we confirm our gullibility, our stupidity, and our brainwashing.  It's the day we believe is the beginning of hope and change, when in fact there will be no positive change (things will only get worse), and the hope is a cruel delusion.  Every four years we are treated to this obscene circus of smiling liars, and every four years we have the proof that we were deceived and manipulated, and yet we come back for more with even greater enthusiasm.  The insanity is simply startling, yet few can see it.  Those that do, like George Carlin, are treated with disbelief (we laugh), derision, and ridicule.

Meanwhile, the real ruling sociopaths, behind the scenes in the darkest of shadows, consolidate their power and tighten their nooses around our necks, holding us hostage to their control systems of money, energy, and information.

None are more enslaved than those that falsely believe they are free.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Change we better believe in, or else

Morning Pledge


When I was a child, I was indoctrinated to start each school day with the rest of my collective, at rigid attention, with my right hand placed over my beating heart, all facing in the direction of the national banner, and in unison we would repeat the following like robots every day:

I pledge allegiance to the Flag
of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one Nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.


Now, 50 years later, I am no longer a child.  My indoctrination is beginning to crumble.  I start each day in bewilderment of the insanity taking place all over the world.  I place my right hand over my beating heart, and I realize all people on Earth have the same gift in their chests, and that only the most foul psychological deviants would even think of taking it from them.  And they do exactly that, by the thousands, every day.  And like a robot, I have been helping those psychopaths my entire life without even being aware of it, as have all of us.  Though we still say the old pledge, we follow a new one:

I pledge my servitude to the Dollar
of the Hostage States of Amerika,
and to the Banksters to whom I grovel,
one Deception, underground, Unbelievable,
with lies and injustice for all.

I'm in.


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