No Insanity

You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world.  You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.

Monday, January 20, 2025

More Americans died due to COVID 19 injections than ...

More Americans died due to COVID 19 injections than in WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam War combined. This simple fact is astounding. -- source

The COVID-19 psy-op is indeed astounding.  It is the biggest crime against humanity ever perpetrated.  And guess who Joe Biden pardoned today?  Anthony Fauci, the grandfatherly figure-head "doctor" of the U.S. government, and highest paid employee of the U.S. government, who directed the deception and manipulation of the frightened public during the fake pandemic, all while making hundreds of millions of dollars on his vaccine patents.

Say what ?!

Listen up, foolish Americans!  Joe Biden was a fake president who does not have the authority to pardon anyone.  He needs to be hanged by the neck next to Anthony Fauci on the White House lawn.  The outrageous injustice of all of Biden's pardons must not be allowed to stand.  If ever there was a reason to overthrow the criminal government, this is it.

I repeat:  If ever there was a reason to overthrow the criminal government, this is it.  The criminal government has made a mockery of American ideals, American justice, and American people.  We revolted in 1776 for far less, and now we shamefully stare at our feet as the U.S. government rapes us all.  This cannot stand.

Dr Fauci feels 'extreme confidence' in Covid vaccine as he gets jab
(duration 1:40)

Want to bet Fauci got injected with saline?  Why else would he have 'extreme confidence'?  After all, he's an extreme confidence man, i.e. a con-man.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Dismantle the government, or die.

The U.S. government needs to be dismantled.

The U.S. government is a massive deception pretending to serve the interests of the American people, when it actually serves the interests of the international cabal of ruling sociopaths controlled by the Rothschild family.  If you don't know who the Rothschilds are, and how unbelievably wealthy and powerful they are, consider that they operate and control almost every central bank in the world, including the Federal Reserve in the United States.  Their wealth is orders of magnitude greater than their lowly servants who appear at the top of the "World's Richest" list, little people like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet.

This is the very same government that ran the COVID-19 pandemic psy-op, when there was nothing concrete at all to indicate a pandemic.  I recognized the pandemic as fake in February of 2020, in other words as soon as it began to be a public circus on the captive media.  On March 13, 2020, my state implemented a travel ban, one that I completely ignored, because I knew it was fake.  I drove 300 miles that day to visit my daughter, and it was one of the most pleasant trips imaginable with almost no traffic on the highways.  Of course, I ignored the mask mandates and self-isolation requirements as well, because I knew they were a deception.  I knew because I did the research.  M-95 masks will not protect against viral transmission.  Isolation is idiocy when there is no real pandemic.  I deliberately exposed myself to anyone I could find who had tested positve for COVID-19 via the fake PCR test, in the hopes of catching COVID-19 to prove that it might possibly exist.  I never got sick, despite the hype that COVID was highly transmissable.  My own government was trying to deceive and manipulate me.  Even worse, it was successfully deceiving and manipulating the vast majority of Americans in the country.  They were falling for the trick like carnival rubes.  It was truly discouraging to witness.

Ah, but it gets better.  This is the government that ran the COVID-19 "vaccine" scam.  I recognized that the mRNA injections were a feint before they were even available.  I knew because I did the research.  I studied Moderna's web site explanations of mRNA technology, and it was very clear to me that this was untested and dangerous genetic reprogramming.  I sought out the whistle-blower doctors who were being censored for reporting the damage the fake vaccines were doing, and I carefully considered their information in relation to the CDC and Dr. Anthony Fauci's information.  Somebody was clearly lying, and it was easy to figure out who it was.  The whistle-blowers were being severely persecuted for their information, while the government leaders were growing rich from their cooperation with the program.  No good deed went unpunished, and cooperation was rewarded.  Here we are, two years after the fake vaccines were introduced and pushed onto the public via the most insidious propaganda techniques, including no travel by air for the unvaccinated, and even worse, accept the jabs or lose your job.  It was inhumane and massively discriminatory.  Now the numbers of vaccine injured and killed are so obvious that some of the vaccinated who are still functioning are beginning to realize the ugly truth of how they were tricked and what awaits them.  It is not a pretty picture to have that realization.

But it doesn't end there.  This is the government that is trying hard to push Russia into a global nuclear war using the U.S. constructed Ukraine conflict.  It's bad enough that the ruling sociopaths of this planet have poisoned perhaps billions of people with "experimental" mRNA injections that never stop damaging your cells.  Now they want the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike to try to survive the unimaginable horrors of a global nuclear war, while the ruling sociopaths sit it out in their luxurious, fully stocked underground bunkers.

In summary, this is the government that is quietly trying to kill you and your family and your relatives and your friends and your neighbors.  It needs to be dismantled before it succeeds.  I repeat, it needs to be dismantled before it succeeds.  Or you can just let yourself and everyone you know be murdered by the wealthiest and most evil, powerful people on the planet.

Not an easy choice, is it...


Wednesday, May 11, 2022

The Fake 2020 Election

 The documentary "2000 Mules" reveals the 2020 election fraud in startling clarity that no jury could deny.  The criminality is irrefutable, the election was rigged, and Joe Biden is not the United States president chosen by the People.  The implications of this are massive.  Our press is totally captive.  Our legal system is totally controlled.  Our government is totally criminal.  If there was ever a time when the U.S. government should be overthrown, it is now.  You need only go to the Declaration of Independence for justification:

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

 -- Thomas Jefferson et al, Declaration of Independence, 1776

Fellow Americans, it is our duty.  Our nation's founding fathers told us that in 1776.  It was their duty as well at that time, and they stood and delivered.  Will we live up to their example?

Dan Bongino commentary:

IRREFUTABLE Evidence From '2000 Mules' Has The Leftist Media In A Panic
(video duration 8:26)
Censored from YouTube (of course)

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Ukraine -- the cabal's orchestration of WW3

Nearly six years ago, I wrote an open letter to Russian president Vladimir Putin here.  Because my on-line forum is blocked to so many in so many clever ways, I will copy the letter here so that more people can access it:

An open letter to Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation:

Dear Mr. Putin,

The vast majority of Americans do not want war with Russia.

We know Russian people and American people are just people.  We are basically the same.  We want to live, laugh, love, learn, grow, teach, raise our children in peace, and enjoy the comforts that human society creates.

War negates all of that.

Only the morally insane push for war, and regretfully, many leaders of the United States are morally insane.  They hide it well, as sociopaths always do, and they have successfully fooled many of us with their deceptive guile.  They control America now, exactly as they have planned for over 100 years.  They will claim to go to war in our name, but they lie.  They always lie.  They are despicable, and those few of us that see through their lies hate them, but we have little power to oppose them.  How can that be?  Most Americans have been brainwashed to do anything for the money the ruling sociopaths create out of thin air, and so the sociopaths pay us to police ourselves exactly to their liking.

When you and your fellow countrymen are forced to defend yourselves against our morally insane leaders and the brainwashed Americans who are paid to follow them, please remember that we are basically people like you.  It is our morally insane leaders that have created this situation, and I would ask that you target them as your enemy.  They will be directing things from secure underground shelters.  Target those first.  That will be the quickest way to end the war.  The morally insane must die. Nothing else will stop them at this point.  They have accumulated too much power and control.  They cannot be reasoned with.  They cannot be trusted.  They cannot be believed.  They can only be stopped by being destroyed.

Mr. Putin, you may already know all of this.  In fact, I hope you do.  But this note is to confirm that we know it too.  The morally insane, the sociopaths, are our common enemy.  They are the true enemy of all humans that feel empathy for others, and they always have been.

May your arrows fly true.



P.S.  I live very near one of those secure underground shelters that the sociopaths enjoy, so I know I could easily end up being collateral damage.  So be it.  I am willing to pay that price for the reign of the sociopaths to finally end.

Six years ago!  How time flies.  I wonder how much time I have left, given that we all teeter on the abyss of global war today...

That letter to Vladimir Putin is just as true today as it was so long ago.  As I read it, I can see I would not change one word of it today.  I know Putin stands on the side of good, whereas the country of my birth, the "land of the free and home of the brave", stands on the side of evil, though we are constantly brainwashed to believe the contrary.  That we have to be constantly brainwashed is the best indicator of the truth in this matter.  We are not the "good guys".  We weren't the good guys in Afghanistan, or in Syria, or in Libya, or in Iraq, or in Vietnam, or in Korea, or in WW2, or in WW1.  The pattern is clear — we were always brainwashed to believe we were the good guys.  So I don't believe we have ever been the good guys.  We have always been the deceived dopes. Today, we are heavily censored and even persecuted if we challenge the pervasive brainwashing.  Our freedoms have been nearly erased.  The chains of enslavement are slowly coiling around our limbs.  We comply with the authorities even though they have clearly become tyrants.  We even help them build the walls of our cages, hoping that by cooperating we might be granted some minor privilege or comfort.

How sad for Americans to have fallen this low.


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The few weep

Paul Craig Roberts wrote:   But a simple question suffices:  If the election was not stolen, why is it impermissible to raise the question?  Explanations that are off limits to investigation and public discussion are unlikely to be true.  The reason they are off limits is because they cannot withstand examination.  A country in which explanations are controlled is a country in which people live in lies.

Quite right, Mr. Roberts.  This is a nation in which people live in lies.  We are so deceived and manipulated that what separates us is the degree to which we have been deceived and manipulated!  Many of us are totally fooled, some of us are half-fooled, and a few of us aren't fooled much at all.  The main unity in this country lies in the portion of the people that are totally fooled.  That group is unified in their delusion.  How sad is that!

I felt that sadness this morning.  Joe Biden, a rag doll puppet of the true rulers of this country, a criminal pedophile and totally compromised evil politician, is sworn in as the president of the United States of America today.  The massive election fraud of the 2020 elections gets swept under the rug.  The censorship of the exposure of that fraud is nearly total, in direct contrast to the freedom of speech that is our unalienable right.  The need for a civil revolution against the government of the United States is obvious to the few who are not totally fooled, but they are few and the totally fooled are many.  The many falsely believe they are free, and none are more enslaved than they are.  The land of the free has become the land of the mind-controlled.  The most evil minority of humanity, the ruling sociopaths, have triumphed.  They have free reign now, and our descent into Hell will accelerate.  I hope the good majority of humanity will come to their senses, realize they've been fooled all along, and strike down the evil that has possessed them.

If that sounds like wishful thinking, it's because it is.

Humanity weeps

Saturday, January 2, 2021

My bicycle has COVID

I'm afraid my bicycle is dying from COVID.

Well, it's not actually dying, as it is asymptomatic and doesn't appear sick.  But it tested positive for COVID-19, and that's how I know it is going to die.

Due to all the scary news broadcast by the media, my bicycle decided to get tested just as a precaution.  There was a long line at the testing center, but my bicycle was able to fill out the paperwork while waiting in line to save time.  But after an hour or so of waiting, my bicycle decided to just come back another time when it wouldn't have to wait so long.  But because I needed to use it so often, my bicycle didn't have a chance to return.

A few days later, the bad news arrived in the mail that my bicycle had tested positive.  This news had a devastating effect on my bicycle, and it went into self-isolation and refused to be ridden.  I had to use another bicycle, which hasn't been tested, and I am wondering if I should encourage it to go in for a test.  It too is asymptomatic, so I can't tell if it is infected, but I know it has been within six feet of my first bicycle before my first bicycle self-isolated.  I don't want to risk a pandemic among my other bicycles.  What should I do?

Praying hard for a vaccine!

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Cui bono?

The COVID-19 scare has decisively demonstrated how dominant the large media companies are in creating public opinion.  The media companies have become an awesome weapon of propaganda and mind control.  It has reached the point where even the president of the United States is censored if he does not conform to the narrative pushed by the mainstream media!  The ruling sociopaths have set the narrative according to their selfish interests, and they dessiminate it via the media companies.  It is no coincidence that they own and control these media companies thanks to their ownership and control of the central banks and the global money system.  It is also no coincidence that they own and control the central banks and the global money system.  They have long recognized that money is the foundation of power and control over others, and because they are sociopaths, power and control over others is what they live for.  That is why they first focused on controlling the money over the last 200 years.  Now that they have accomplished controlling the money system, they can focus on controlling humanity, and what they want humanity to do is obey them.

Normal people who are not sociopaths typically cannot fathom this situation.  They are blind to it.  They cannot believe it.  The psychology of sociopaths is so different from normal psychology that normal people just cannot relate.  Normal people have empathy and care about others.  Sociopaths have little to no empathy and don't care about others.  To the ruling sociopaths, enslaving others to serve them is perfectly OK.  It's exactly what they want.  But they want to do it in a way that satisfies their inflated egos and provides plausible deniability, in a way that is covert and hidden, rather than overt and obvious.  They want to con normal people into being their slaves such that "None are more enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."  Slaves who falsely believe they are free are the ultimate goal of the ruling sociopaths.  And this brings us full circle back to the mind control exercised by the media companies who are fooling us about COVID-19, election fraud, vital issues, wars, world events, 9/11, the Holocaust, heroes, enemies, history, and just about everything else we are taught to believe in.  Conspiracy?  Conspiring is what sociopaths do.  If you don't believe that basic fact, it's because you are normal.

Just another unbelievable conspiracy theory


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