You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world.  You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Looks can be deliberately deceiving.
(Think psyops.)

Lyndon Baines Johnson, President of the United States during the Vietnam War, was a fair and honorable man offering his best efforts in service to his country.  Lee Harvey Oswald, assassin of President John F. Kennedy, was a degenerative criminal with deviant ideas that included murder.  At least, that's what the American sheeple have been deliberately manipulated into believing.  The reality is that Johnson was a degenerative criminal with deviant ideas that included murder, while Oswald was a fair and honorable man offering his best efforts in service to his country.

Welcome to the Matrix.

9/11 is only one of a long line of psychological operations against the American sheeple.  Those deceptions continue to this very day, because the sociopaths, from whose deviant minds these sick ideas flow, are still running the show.  And I'm not talking about Obama or Bush, who are just powerless puppets designed to deliver the message of the hidden handlers that pull their strings.  Our so-called "leaders" are just props in the show to make things believable for the audience.  Yes, you and I are being fooled continuously by watching this show.  By the time we realize it, if we are lucky enough to ever see past the Matrix, nearly a lifetime is likely to have passed.  At that point, all we can do is to try to open the eyes of the deluded ones that are still transfixed on the spectacle, following in our sorry footsteps.  It is a difficult and thankless task, but if you are still reading this, then progress is being made.

By the time the truth about these psychological operations finally leaks out, most of the people that even care, the ones that suffered from these events, are very old or dead.  To the young people, these events are ancient history of no importance whatsoever.  What matters to them is what's happening in their lives right now.  They accept the show as real, and the emotions it invokes as justified.  And they are herded and slaughtered just like sheep.

The Men Who Killed Kennedy (Episode 8) The Love Affair


  1. I wish I had the ability to watch videos on my computer; this looks like a really good one. The link about psyops was very informative.

    You said, "And I'm not talking about Obama or Bush, who are just powerless puppets designed to deliver the message of the hidden handlers that pull their strings. Our so-called
    "leaders" are just props..."

    I'm continually amazed at how few people seem to realize that. The illusion of voting - of electing people who represent their constituents - has become so flimsy that I can't see how anyone could still possibly believe it.

    Mass insanity has been achieved through a multitude of ways, but it has apparently been achieved. I haven't figured out why it affects some people and not others, though.

  2. Carla, it is an amazing video. I'm sorry you can't view it, as it is an eye-opener.

    I see this leadership situation as more deception than insanity. I was fooled for a long time myself. It's a very clever scam, after all.

  3. I will try to get on a decent computer so I can watch it. I've never felt inclined to believe any of the "lone gunman" theories, including Bobby Kennedy's murder, John Lennon's murder and the OK City bombing. Actually, 9/11 isn't much more than a lone gunman theory, either.

    Carla (can't log in for some reason)

  4. @Carla -- There is solid evidence that Bobby was killed by a shot to the head from a second assassin behind him. The OK City bombing was an intelligence agency operation. I don't know about John Lennon, but I doubt the official story. 9/11 was also an obvious psyops, at least to anyone willing to investigate. The common citizen cannot even entertain the degree of conspiracy that is the basis of his constructed world. It really is very much like "The Matrix".



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