Charming heroes, or charming sociopaths?
When did the United States of America go so terribly wrong? Was it when Obama was first elected? Or Bush? Or Nixon? Or Wilson?
No, it happened long before that. The Constitution of the United States was the design plan of the government, and it clearly stated who was to have power. The Tenth Amendment specified: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Originally, the States were sovereign, and the federal government was to serve the member States. Today we see the exact opposite, where the federal government is sovereign, and the States serve it in almost slave-like fashion.
So what the heck happened?
Things are not the way we are taught by the well-oiled propaganda machine that shapes our minds. Most often, it turns out they are the exact opposite of what we are taught. I propose that things went wrong when Abraham Lincoln was elected. I propose that "Honest Abe" was not as honest as we are led to believe, that he was in fact guilty of treason. I propose that the Civil War was not a civil war at all, but was the coup where the federal government gained control and consolidated its power over the States. I propose that freeing the slaves was not the underlying issue of that war, as we are taught, but was a political maneuver by Lincoln and the federal government to criminalize the "renegade" Southern States, whose only "crime" was to withdraw from the United States, as was their right. By criminalizing these States, the federal government could justify the tyranny of warring against American citizens in the name of fighting slavery.
I bet you weren't taught that in school. I certainly wasn't. I was taught Lincoln was a great hero who "preserved the Union" (George Orwell would surely be proud of that particular piece of doublespeak). There is currently a blockbuster film about Honest Abe, and I probably won't watch it, but I'm quite sure it will portray Lincoln as a great hero, when he was more likely something quite the contrary. How often do we have to see lawyers become politicians and rise to the heights of power before we recognize sociopaths? We would be wise to learn our true history, for it is repeating. Obama is being portrayed to the public as a great hero, when he is, in fact, preparing the justification for the tyranny of warring against American citizens in the name of fighting terrorism.
The "Civil War" would be more accurately called "The War Against Independent States". The next civil war will be more accurately called "The War Against Independent Minds".
Got "renegade" thoughts? They can fix that. And they will.