You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world.  You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The few weep

Paul Craig Roberts wrote:   But a simple question suffices:  If the election was not stolen, why is it impermissible to raise the question?  Explanations that are off limits to investigation and public discussion are unlikely to be true.  The reason they are off limits is because they cannot withstand examination.  A country in which explanations are controlled is a country in which people live in lies.

Quite right, Mr. Roberts.  This is a nation in which people live in lies.  We are so deceived and manipulated that what separates us is the degree to which we have been deceived and manipulated!  Many of us are totally fooled, some of us are half-fooled, and a few of us aren't fooled much at all.  The main unity in this country lies in the portion of the people that are totally fooled.  That group is unified in their delusion.  How sad is that!

I felt that sadness this morning.  Joe Biden, a rag doll puppet of the true rulers of this country, a criminal pedophile and totally compromised evil politician, is sworn in as the president of the United States of America today.  The massive election fraud of the 2020 elections gets swept under the rug.  The censorship of the exposure of that fraud is nearly total, in direct contrast to the freedom of speech that is our unalienable right.  The need for a civil revolution against the government of the United States is obvious to the few who are not totally fooled, but they are few and the totally fooled are many.  The many falsely believe they are free, and none are more enslaved than they are.  The land of the free has become the land of the mind-controlled.  The most evil minority of humanity, the ruling sociopaths, have triumphed.  They have free reign now, and our descent into Hell will accelerate.  I hope the good majority of humanity will come to their senses, realize they've been fooled all along, and strike down the evil that has possessed them.

If that sounds like wishful thinking, it's because it is.

Humanity weeps

Saturday, January 2, 2021

My bicycle has COVID

I'm afraid my bicycle is dying from COVID.

Well, it's not actually dying, as it is asymptomatic and doesn't appear sick.  But it tested positive for COVID-19, and that's how I know it is going to die.

Due to all the scary news broadcast by the media, my bicycle decided to get tested just as a precaution.  There was a long line at the testing center, but my bicycle was able to fill out the paperwork while waiting in line to save time.  But after an hour or so of waiting, my bicycle decided to just come back another time when it wouldn't have to wait so long.  But because I needed to use it so often, my bicycle didn't have a chance to return.

A few days later, the bad news arrived in the mail that my bicycle had tested positive.  This news had a devastating effect on my bicycle, and it went into self-isolation and refused to be ridden.  I had to use another bicycle, which hasn't been tested, and I am wondering if I should encourage it to go in for a test.  It too is asymptomatic, so I can't tell if it is infected, but I know it has been within six feet of my first bicycle before my first bicycle self-isolated.  I don't want to risk a pandemic among my other bicycles.  What should I do?

Praying hard for a vaccine!


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