You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world.  You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Why I blog

"I do not want the peace which passeth understanding,
I want the understanding which bringeth peace."
-- Helen Keller

My purpose for blogging at all on the Internet is to document my learning processes.  I do this for many reasons, some less than noble, and some quite noble.  A less than noble reason is that I would like something of me to be left behind when I am gone (vanity).  A more noble reason is to provide a public service, so that others can know what I know without putting so much time and effort into the journey.  But then, time and effort may be an essential part of what gives knowledge its value.  But then again, we don't want to have to continually reinvent the wheel.

I certainly don't have any illusions that my knowledge is superior in some way, given the ignorance that I have paved over to create the road that has led me here.  "Here" may not be a worthy destination either, but life is not really about the destination.  It is about the journey.  I am building a road to make the journey easier for those that follow, if any should follow.  If no one follows, I can at least take some pride in the quality of the road I built.

I mention this because my most recent learning experience is a discovery of startling clarification.  It is somewhat equivalent to the Unified Field Theory that Einstein searched for -- a theory that connects the characteristics of the known universe together.  Such a grand theory may be too much to hope for, but the beauty of other illuminating discoveries, like the relationship between electricity and magnetism, whets our appetite to search for even stronger interconnectedness.

I now see the connections between evil and empathy, conspiracies and disbelief, secret societies and denial, lies and manipulation, deception and emotion, politics and poison, and conscience and inhumanity.  All are tied together by the competition between two kinds of human behavior:  sociopathic and "normal".  The sociopaths are a small percentage of humanity but dominate in positions of control due to their defective (antisocial) characteristics.  In other words, the socially defective are in charge of shaping our society.  "Normal" people are putty in their hands due to the ignorance normal people have of sociopathy.  Ignorance may appear to be bliss, but the new knowledge I have gained makes it clear why ignorance leads to slavery in this lopsided environment, where sociopaths work cunningly to keep the normal people ignorant of the true masters.

The importance of this new knowledge is such that I want to spend some time emphasizing it.  The understanding it brings feels like the discovery Helen Keller probably experienced with her teacher Annie Sullivan.  A door was opened, and a stream of pure meaning brought light into a world of darkness.  A person blind to the outside world became an expert observer of it, seeing more precisely than those with working eyes.  We need that kind of vision if we are to reach our potential.

I want us to see.

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